- Alumni Lab Member
M. Eng Mechanical Engineering MIT/ETH Zurich
B.Eng Biomedical Engineering, National University of Ireland, Galway
In the TTDD group, David is developing a device that delivers mechanical assistance for children with single ventricle physiology. His academic interests include medical device design and development and mechatronics. Prior to joining the TTDD group, David was a member of the Product Development Lab at ETH Zurich. There, he worked on Machine Learning applications for medical image processing, and computational modelling of mechanical systems. He worked as a Medical Device Engineer for two years prior to his Masters, at Boston Children's Hospital, creating an in vivo moldable tracheal stent, a soft stretchy heart-wall strain sensor, and a soft robotic VAD. He received his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering from NUI,Galway. Longer term, David is interested in pursuing a career developing medical devices in industry.