Samuel Gollob

  • Graduate Student

M.S. Mechanical Engineering - MIT

B.S. Mechanical Engineering (Minor: Computer Science) - University of Maryland, College Park

At TTDD, Sam is interested in developing technologies that allow the untethering of soft actuators for implantable devices and robotics. This follows from his earlier research in the lab, using soft actuator modelling tools to design a soft-actuated exoskeleton for physiotherapy. His other research interests include microscale soft robotics, swarms behavior, and biological/smart materials in engineered systems. Prior to joining TTDD, he worked with Dr. Elizabeth Smela (UMCP) in developing a biohybrid olfactory sensor, as well as with Dr. Sarah Bergbreiter (CMU) to design, fabricate, and characterize micro-scale soft sensors and mechanisms. Sam has also participated in designing engineering courses and is interested in engineering education, digital media for instruction, and large-scale educational reform.