- Alumni Lab Member
SM Mechanical Engineering - MIT
BS Biological Engineering - MIT
Clara is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at MIT. Prior to joining TTDD lab, Clara received her bachelor's degree in Biological Engineering and masters degree in Mechanical Engineering at MIT, where she gained experience in the field of bioengineering, ranging from synthetic biology, immunobioengineering and microfluidics. During her graduate studies, Clara aims to develop novel medical technologies, building upon her prior knowlege of biological systems at various scales. Her research interests are in soft robotics, biomimetics, mechanical assist, medical devices and translational technologies. In the TTDD lab, Clara is working on the design and development of a novel dynamic cardiac simulator combining soft robotic techniques and biohybrid solutions. As an engineer, she wants to make sure her solutions are clinically relevant, and is broadening her understanding in clinical sciences and translational technologies as a Graduate Education in Medical Sciences (GEMS) scholar.